September 1, 2024

Deadly Dole Salad Listeria Outbreak Ends With 18 Sick in 13 States

The deadly Dole Salad Listeria monocytogenes outbreak has ended with 18 sick in 13 states, 16 patients hospitalized, and three deaths, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). That's an increase of one more patient in Ohio and one more death, also in Ohio, since the last update in early February 2022. The patient case count by state is: Idaho (1), Iowa (2), Maryland (1), Michigan (1), Minnesota (2), Nevada (1), North Carolina (1), Ohio (3), Oregon (1), Pennsylvania (1), Texas (2), Utah (1), and Wisconsin (1). Illness onset dates range from August 16, 2014 to January 15, 2021. The patient age range is from 50 to 94 years. Of 16 people who gave information to public health officials, all were hospitalized. Three deaths have been reported: one each from … [Read more...]

New Listeria Monocytogenes Outbreak on FDA CORE Table

A new Listeria monocytogenes outbreak has been listed on the FDA's CORE Outbreak Investigation Table, with 13 people sick. Traceback has been initiated, but no inspection has been started, and there has been no sample collection or analyzing. We do not know the patient case count by state, patient age ranges, or illness onset dates. The FDA will not release much more information about this outbreak unless there are some things that the public can do to protect itself. There are still four active outbreak investigations on the table. The E. coli O121:H19 outbreak linked to romaine lettuce, which sickened at least four people, has been closed with no resolution. No brand or farm or even a growing area was named. The four active outbreaks are: An Enteroinvasive E. coli O143:H26 … [Read more...]

FDA Updates Deadly Dole Packaged Salads Listeria Monocytogenes Outbreak

The FDA has updated the deadly Dole packaged salads Listeria monocytogenes outbreak, with one more illness reported in Minnesota. Now 17 people in 13 states were sickened. The case count is current as of February 1, 2022. The patient case count by state is: Idaho (1), Iowa (2), Maryland (1), Michigan (1), Minnesota (2), Nevada (1), North Carolina (1), Ohio (2), Oregon (1), Pennsylvania (1), Texas (2), Utah (1), and Wisconsin (1). Illness onset dates range from August 16, 2014 to December 30, 2021. The patient age range is from 50 to 94 years. Of 15 people who were interviewed by public health officials, 13 have been hospitalized. Two deaths have been reported: one each from Wisconsin and Michigan. Where were recalled Dole packaged salads sold? Two recalls were issued for salads … [Read more...]

Deadly Dole Salad Listeria Monocytogenes Outbreak Updated by CDC

The deadly Dole salad Listeria monocytogenes outbreak has been updated by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). One more illness has been reported from Minnesota since the last update in December 2021. In all, 17 people in 13 states are sick. The patient case count by state is: Idaho (1), Iowa (2), Maryland (1), Michigan (1), Minnesota (2), Nevada (1), North Carolina (1), Ohio (2), Oregon (1), Pennsylvania (1), Texas (2), Utah (1), and Wisconsin (1). Illness onset dates range from August 16, 2014 to December 30, 2021. The patient age range is from 50 to 94 years. Of 15 people who gave information to public health officials, 13 have been hospitalized. Two deaths have been reported: one each from Michigan and Wisconsin. The actual number of people in an outbreak is … [Read more...]

FDA Info on Deadly Dole Listeria Outbreak, With 16 Sickened

The FDA has released information about the deadly Dole Listeria outbreak that has sickened at least 16 people in 13 states and killed two as of December 22, 2021. The FDA says that the outbreak is "potentially linked" to those products. The CDC investigated this outbreak in 2019 and 2020 but was not able to gather enough information to name a brand or products. The investigation was reopened in November 2021 when four new illnesses were reported. In October 2021, the Georgia Department of Agriculture collected a product sample of prepackaged salad mix from a grocery store. That sample tested positive for Listeria monocytogenes. A recall was issued by Dole in October 2021. Those products are now past their "Best if Used By" dates. That positive sample was sent for whole genome … [Read more...]

Two Deaths in a Dole Bagged Salads Listeria Monocytogenes Outbreak

There are two deaths in a Dole bagged salads Listeria monocytogenes outbreak, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Sixteen people in 13 states are sick, and twelve people have been hospitalized. The patient case count by state is: Idaho (1), Iowa (2), Maryland (1), Michigan (1), Minnesota (1), Nevada (1), North Carolina (1), Ohio (2), Oregon (1), Pennsylvania (1), Texas (2), Utah (1), and Wisconsin (1). Illness onset dates range from August 16, 2014 to October 17, 2021. The patient age range is from 50 to 94 years. Of fourteen people who gave information to investigators, 12 have been hospitalized. Two deaths were reported, from Michigan and Wisconsin. Of the eight people interviewed, seven said they ate packaged salads the month before they got … [Read more...]

Salmonella Citterio Salame Sticks Outbreak Grows to 30

The Salmonella Citterio Salame Sticks outbreak has grown to include 30 patients in 10 states, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), which is an increase of 10 patients since the last update on October 28, 2021. Six people are hospitalized because they are so ill. That is an increase of two more states in the case count. A recall was issued after the government discovered that the product was still being sold at one retail location, which was not named. The case count by state is: California (12), Illinois (4), Kansas (2), Maryland (1), Michigan (3), Minnesota (3), New Jersey (2), New Y0rk (1), Pennsylvania (1), and Virginia (2). The new states are Maryland and Pennsylvania. The pathogen that has caused these illnesses is Salmonella I … [Read more...]

Citterio Salame Sticks Salmonella Outbreak Sickens 20 in 8 States

The Citterio Salame Sticks Salmonella outbreak has now sickened at least 20 people in eight states, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Last week, the Minnesota Department of Health announced that three people living in that state were sickened. The outbreak has spread beyond that state. The Salame Sticks were sold at Trader Joe's grocery stores and may have been sold at other grocery stores around the country. Nine people were interviewed about the foods they ate before they got sick, and eight said they ate or maybe ate this product. Investigators are working to see if other products may also be contaminated. The patient case count by state is: California (8), Illinois (2), Kansas (1), Michigan (3), Minnesota (3), New Jersey (1), New York (1), and … [Read more...]

BrightFarms Leafy Salad Greens Salmonella Outbreak Ends With 31 Sick

The BrightFarms leafy salad greens Salmonella outbreak has ended with 31 sick in four states and four hospitalized, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).  On the last update on case counts, which was issued in July 2021, there were only 11 people sick and two hospitalized. Another state, Pennsylvania, was added to the case count. The case count by state is: Illinois (18), Michigan (1), Pennsylvania (2), and Wisconsin (10). Illness onset dates range from June 10, 2021 to August 18, 2021. The patient age range was from less than 1 year to 86 years. The hospitalization rate was not given. Ofificlas interviewed people about the foods they ate before they got sick. They also collected shopper card records to discover which specific products were purchased. … [Read more...]

Protracted Intermittent Salmonella Outbreak Linked to Michigan Restaurant

In the Centers for Disease Control's Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR) for the week of August 20, 2021, a report details the protracted intermittent Salmonella outbreak that was linked to a restaurant in Michigan from 2008 to 2019. The Salmonella Mbandaka contamination was impossible to eradicate, and the restaurant was permanently closed in 2018. In 2018, Michigan public health officials found that a single restaurant in southwest Michigan was the source for the Salmonella Mbandaka infections since 2008. Isolates from 36 ill persons shared two highly related pulsed-field gel electrophoresis patterns and highly related whole genome sequencing subtypes. The first focus of the investigation was on food items. Sporadic case definitions over years, along with difficulty in … [Read more...]

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