The FDA CORE Outbreak Investigation Table has been updated again with more information about the incidents the agency is investigating. Three of the investigations have changed. The reports of adverse reactions possibly related to dry cereal have increased to 555 from 529 in the last update issued on May 4, 2022. On the website iwaspoisoned, there are more than 7,000 reports of illness since late 2021. An on-site inspection has been initiated, and samples have been collected and analysis on a product has begun. One of the two active Listeria monocytogenes outbreaks has also been updated; the number of illnesses has increased to 20 cases from 19. That investigation was launched on February 9, 2022; no source has been identified. For the investigation of "Cronobacter illnesses … [Read more...]
Dozens of Drivers Sickened at Coachella Music Festival
Dozens of shuttle bus drivers at the Coachella Music Festival in Riverside County, California have been sickened with some type of food poisoning after eating a catered meal, according to the Riverside University Health System. The drivers work for a shuttle bus company. The press release states that more than 40 people were taken to three hospitals in the Coachella Valley early on Monday, April 25, 2022 after they got sick. Symptoms include stomach cramps, dizziness, nausea, and diarrhea. Some of those patients were admitted to the hospital. News reports are that a hundred people were sickened. Investigators with the Riverside County Departments of Public Health and Environmental Health are collaborating to try to solve this outbreak. They want to interview as many people as … [Read more...]
Oyster Norovirus Outbreak Sickens at Least 328 in Canada
A large oyster norovirus outbreak has sickened at least 328 people in Canada as of April 8, 2022 (and at least 103 in the United States). Raw and undercooked oysters can contain pathogens such as norovirus that can make you sick. The patient case count by province is: British Columbia (293), Alberta (3), Saskatchewan (1), Manitoba (15), and Ontario (16). Illness onset dates range fro mid-January and early April 2022. Not all cases hav been tested, but the presence of norovirus has been confirmed based on the tests of several patients. The outbreak is linked to consumption of raw oysters from British Columbia. Some oyster harvest areas in British Columbia associated with this outbreak have been closed as a part of this investigation. Several food recalls have been issued in … [Read more...]
FDA: Do Not Sell or Serve Norovirus Raw Oysters From Canada
The FDA is advising retailers and restaurants not to serve or sell norovirus raw oysters imported from Canada. There is a large norovirus outback in Canada associated with those oysters, and there are also norovirus outbreaks in Minnesota, California, and Washington state. The FDA, CDC, and the Public Health Agency of Canada are investigating a multi-state outbreak of norovirus linked to raw oysters. The potentially contaminated raw oysters that were harvested in the south and central parts of Baynes Sound in British Columbia were distributed to restaurants and retailers in California, Colorado, Florida, Hawaii, Illinois, Massachusetts, Minnesota, New Jersey, Nevada, New York, Oregon, Texas, and Washington. More states may have received these oysters. A trace forward … [Read more...]
E. coli Illnesses Are Increasing in Wyoming, According to Health Department
E. coli illnesses are increasing in Wyoming, according to that state's health department, along with cases of norovirus. This information, in a press release from the Wyoming Department of Health (WDH), offered no specifics as to patient ages, hospitalizations, or any hints about possible sources. Norovirus is likely among the increase in gastrointestinal illnesses, but Matt Peterson, WDH surveillance epidemiologist, said in a statement, "We are specifically seeing increased reports of E. coli across the state recently compared to previous years, which can be particularly concerning in children under 5." The symptoms of norovirus and E. coli are similar up to a point, but norovirus is usually a self-limiting illness, and people who contract this infection usually do not seek … [Read more...]
BH&G Lavender Aromatherapy Room Spray Melioidosis Outbreak Updated
The BH&G Lavender Aromatherapy Room Spray melioidosis outbreak investigation has been updated by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). This outbreak sickened four people with melioidosis, which is caused by the bacteria Burkholderia pseudomallei. Those people live in Georgia, Kansas, Texas, and Minnesota. Two people, who lived in Georgia and Kansas, including a child, sadly died. The outbreak strain was found in a bottle of Better Homes & Gardens Lavender & Chamomile with Gemstones aromatherapy room spray discovered in the home of a person who lived in Georgia, who died in July 2021. The outbreak strain was also found in an unopened bottle of the same product recalled from a Walmart store in a different state. The contaminated product is linked to the … [Read more...]