The FDA has started sampling raw milk aged cheese for possible H5N1 bird flu contamination, given that dairy cows have tested positive for the virus. This testing will determine whether viable H5N1 virus is present in the cheese, and whether the FDA will need to take follow up actions to address this issue. An outbreak of H5N1 in many states triggered this assignment. The FDA is working with the USDA, the CDC, and state partners to investigate and respond to this outbreak. So far, wild birds, domesticated poultry, dairy cows, cats, and people have been sickened by this virus. Raw milk cheese is made with unpasteurized milk. This cheese must be aged for a minimum of 60 days to mitigate the risk from pathogens. Raw Farm raw milk has been recalled in California for possible bird flu … [Read more...]
FDA Weighs in on Raw Farms Raw Cheddar E. coli O157:H7 Outbreak
FDA weighs in on the Raw Farms raw Cheddar E. coli O157:H7 outbreak that has sickened at least 10 people in four states. Four people have been hospitalized in this outbreak, and one person has developed hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS), a type of kidney failure. The cheese has been voluntarily recalled by Raw Farm. The recalled products include original flavor, all sizes of blocks and shredded packages, and Cheddar with added Jalapeño Flavor, all sizes of blocks and shredded packages. The cheese was sold at retailers nationwide. Ill patients have reported buying the cheese at Sprouts Farmers Market and Bristol Farms. The FDA will update the advisory if they discover other retailers who have sold this cheese. The patient case count by state is: California (4), Colorado (3), Texas … [Read more...]
Raw Farm Raw Cheddar Cheese E. coli Outbreak Sickens 10
A Raw Farm raw Cheddar cheese E. coli outbreak has sickened at least 10 people in four states, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Four people have been hospitalized because they are so sick. Raw Farm LLC has agreed to recall products and is working with the FDA. One pound and half pound blocks of the cheese, and half pound shredded cheese was recalled on February 17, 2024. The case count by state is: California (4), Colorado (3), Texas (1), and Utah (2). The patient age range is from two to 58 years. And illness onset dates range from October 18, 2023 to January 29, 2024. One person has developed hemolytic uremic syndrome, a form of kidney failure. The number of patients in this outbreak is likely much higher than reported, and there may be more … [Read more...]
Raw Farm Raw Cheddar Cheese Recalled in CA For Salmonella
Raw Farm Raw Cheddar Cheese is being recalled in California for possible Salmonella contamination. The cheese is also subject to a quarantine order announced by California State Veterinarian Dr. Annette Jones. No illnesses have been reported to date in connection with the consumption of this cheese. The recalling firm is Raw Farm LLC of Fresno County. The order applies to "Raw Farm Cheddar," that is packaged in one pound (16 ounce) blocks. The code date that is marked on the plastic wrapper is BEST BY: 03/16/2024 and BATCH# 20230517-1. CDFA found the Salmonella bacteria in a routine sample that was collected at the Raw Farm LLC manufacturing and packaging facility. Raw cheese is made from raw milk that has not been pasteurized to kill pathogens such as Salmonella, E. coli, and … [Read more...]