Sunset View Creamery raw milk is being recalled for possible Campylobacter jejuni contamination, according to the New York State Department of Agriculture and Markets. One illness has been reported to the department. The dairy is located at 4970 County Road 14 in Odessa, New York, in Schuyler County. A preliminary test conducted by a sample of the unpasteurized milk collected by an inspector tested positive for the pathogen. On April 25, 2024, the producer was notified of this result. Another test that was conducted and completed on April 29, 204, confirmed the presence of Campylobacter in the raw milk. The producer is now prohibited from seling raw milk until sampling indicates that the product is not contaminated. There is no information about the person who is sick. We do not … [Read more...]
FDA Updates Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza Outbreak
The FDA has updated information about the highly pathogenic avian influenza outbreak (HPAI), which has spread to dairy cows. The virus can be transmitted by wild birds of domestic poultry and other animal species. Sporadic human infections have also occurs. The "highly pathogenic" definition revers to the effect on birds, not necessarily in people. The infection in cows is causing decreased lactation, low appetite, and other symptoms in cattle. Based on information that is currently available, the commercial milk supply is still safe, according to the FDA, because of the pasteurization process and the diversion of destruction of milk from sick cows. WebMD has stated that particles of the bird flu virus have been detected in pasteurized milk, but particles of the pathogen will not … [Read more...]
Raw Milk E. coli Outbreak Sickens Two In Washington State
A raw milk E. coli outbreak has sickened at least two people in Washington state, according to the Washington State Department of Health. The patients got sick in mid-January and early February 2024. The patients were sickened with the same, highly related strain of Shiga toxin-producing E coli (STEC) bacteria. Both patients drank raw, or unpasteurized, milk, produced by Cozy Vale Creamery in Tenino, Washington, shortly before getting sick. The patients live in two counties: Grays Harbor and Pierce. On February 16, 2024, Cozy Vale Creamery recalled their raw milk and cream because of STEC contamination. The STEC bacteria in the milk was a different strain than the one that caused the two recent illnesses. At this time, there are no known illnesses associated with the strain found in … [Read more...]
Conoco View Dairy Raw Milk Campylobacter Outbreak in PA
A Conoco View Dairy raw milk Campylobacter outbreak in Pennsylvania has sickened at least 11 people, according to the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture. Officials are warning consumers to immediately discard all of this milk. The Department ran tests after 11 reports of illness in December 2023 and January 2024 were received. Campylobacter contamination was confirmed in the dairy's products. The press release states that, "While the source of the bacteria is clear, every specific production date could not be pinpointed. All products, including those in consumers' freezers, should be discarded." The press release mentions eight several different counties where the milk was sold or dropped off at different points in the memo. The quotes are: "raw milk sold in Cumberland, … [Read more...]
PA Ag Department Searches Amos Miller Farm After illnesses
The Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture has searched the Amos Miller farm in Upper Leacock Township after illnesses were reported when people allegedly consumed raw dairy products from that facility, according to news reports. The search took place on Thursday, January 4, 2023. Mr. Miller has been in litigation with the federal government for years because of alleged violations in food safety guidelines and food and meat inspection. Last year a consent decree was filed against the farm for allegedly avoiding USDA inspections and selling uninspected, misbranded meat. At that time the company was permanently enjoined, and, "Miller’s acknowledges that it has violated the injunction and agrees to pay fines for denying access to inspectors, and will either adhere to procedures for … [Read more...]
Raw Farm Salmonella Outbreak Spreads to Orange County
The Raw Farm Salmonella outbreak that has sickened nine people in San Diego County has now sickened seven people in Orange County, according to the Orange County Health Care Agency. Those sickened consumed raw milk from that dairy. Raw Farm LLC, which is located in Fresno, has recalled their raw milk and raw cream products. All of the patients got sick within the last month. The patient age range is from one to 20 years. Orange County Health Care Agency is investigating this outbreak with the California Department of Public Health and the California Department of Food and Agriculture. They are also contacting stores in the county where these products may be sold to make sure they are not available for purchase. Raw milk is an unpasteurized dairy product that has not gone through … [Read more...]