September 1, 2024

FDA Updates Alert About Sun Hong Foods Enoki Mushrooms

The FDA is updating its alert about Sun Hong Foods enoki mushrooms, issued in December 2022, saying that this product is now linked to a Listeria monocytogenes outbreak that has sickened at least three people in three states. Consumers, restaurants, and food retailers that have received the mushrooms, labeled as "Producer: Shandong Youhe Biotechnology Co." and "Distributed by Sun Hong Foods" should not eat, sell, or serve the mushrooms. On November 28, 2022, Missouri officials collected these mushrooms and found they were positive for Listeria monocytogenes. The strain of Listeria found in these products matches one of the two strains linked to ill persons in this outbreak. And more sample collection and analysis conducted by the Maryland Department of Health found both outbreak … [Read more...]

More Enoki Mushrooms Linked to Listeria Outbreak

More enoki mushrooms have been linked to a Listeria monocytogenes outbreak that has sickened and hospitalized three patients, according to the FDA. This outbreak, which was first reported in November 2022, was first linked to recalled Utopia Foods enoki mushrooms that were imported from China. In addition, two strains of Listeria monocytogenes have been identified in this outbreak. The bacteria was found through whole genome sequencing. The second brand of mushrooms are produced by Shandong Youth Biotechnology with an address in China, which were distributed by Sun Hong Foods, Inc. A safety alert was issued about these mushrooms on December 17, 2022 after a positive product sample was collected by officials in Missouri. At that time, the mushrooms were not linked to this … [Read more...]

Two Listeria Strains in Utopia Enoki Outbreak, Says FDA

There are two Listeria strains in Utopia enoki mushroom outbreak, according to the FDA. And there are three people sick in this outbreak as of January 18, 2023, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The FDA states, "Through ongoing sampling efforts, FDA and state partners have been collecting and testing samples of enoki mushrooms. An import sample of enoki mushrooms branded as Utopia Foods, Inc. was collected by FDA and was reported as being positive for Listeria monocytogenes. Whole Genome Sequencing (WGS) analysis determined that the strain of Listeria found in this sample matches the strain of Listeria linked to two illnesses in this outbreak. FDA also detected an additional strain of Listeria monocytogenes in this sample, which is linked to one … [Read more...]

Three Sick in Utopia Enoki Mushrooms Listeria Outbreak

There are three sick in Utopia enoki mushrooms Listeria monocytogenes outbreak, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) as of January 18, 2023. That is an increase of one more case since the last update on November 17, 2022. All three patients have been hospitalized. The case count per state is: California (1), Michigan (1), and Nevada (1). Samples from patients were collected from October 3, 2022 to October 8, 2022. The patient age range is from 30 to 56 years. Two of the patients are Hispanic, and one is Asian. Two of the patients told investigators that they ate enoki mushrooms or ate at restaurants with menu items containing enoki mushrooms before they got sick. The third patient did not report eating enoki mushrooms but did shop at various Asian … [Read more...]

FDA Links Utopia Foods Enoki Mushrooms to Listeria Outbreak

The FDA links Utopia Foods enoki mushrooms to a Listeria monocytogenes outbreak that has sickened at least 2 people in two states. The case count has not been updated since November 17, 2022. The case count by state is: Michigan (1), Nevada (1). The patient age range is from 30 to 42. Illness onset dates range from October 5, 2022 to October 8, 2022. Both patients were hospitalized because they were so ill. And both patients said they ate enoki mushrooms at home or at restaurants before they got sick. The FDA has identified imported enoki mushrooms distributed by Utopia Foods of Glendale, New York as a likely source of illnesses in this outbreak. An import sample of enoki mushrooms that carried the Utopia Foods brand name was collected by the FDA and was positive for Listeria … [Read more...]

FDA Closes Mystery Salmonella Outbreak With 274 Sickened

The FDA has closed another mystery Salmonella outbreak with no resolution. The Salmonella outbreak that sickened at least 274 people has ended, and the investigation has been closed; no food source was identified. This is the 14th outbreak in the last year that has been unsolved by the FDA. It's unusual that with so many people sick, a food source could not be found. The pathogen responsible for those illnesses was Salmonella Typhimurium. The FDA did initiate traceback, and conducted sample collection and analysis, but couldn't solve this mystery Salmonella outbreak. That means there are only two active outbreaks going on in the United States right now that are linked to FDA-regulated foods. Both outbreaks are active, and the investigations are ongoing. Those outbreaks are the … [Read more...]

Deadly Big Olaf Ice Cream Listeria Outbreak: Number 3 of 2022

The deadly Big Olaf ice cream Listeria monocytogenes outbreak was the number three outbreak of 2022, with at least 28 people sick in 11 states. Twenty-seven people were hospitalized because they were so sick. One person who lived in Illinois died. The patient case count by state was: Colorado (1), Florida (14), Georgia (1), Illinois (1), Kansas (1), Massachusetts (2), Minnesota (1), Nebraska (1), Massachusetts (2), Minnesota (1), New Jersey (1), New York (4), and Pennsylvania (1). The patient age range is from less than one to 92 years. Illness onset dates range from January 24, 2021 to August 19, 2022. Some of those sick included pregnant people and newborns, and one illness caused a pregnancy loss. Of the 23 people interviewed in this outbreak, all said they ate ice cream … [Read more...]

FDA Adds NE Salmonella Alfalfa Sprout Outbreak to CORE Table

The FDA has added the Nebraska Salmonella alfalfa sprout outbreak to its CORE Outbreak Investigation Table. At least 15 people are sick, an increase of three more patients since the Nebraska advisory was released on December 23, 2022. The pathogen is Salmonella Typhimurium. The FDA states, "A multistate outbreak of Salmonella Typhimurium (reference #1137) has been added to the table. The Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services and the Nebraska Department of Agriculture issued an advisory regarding illnesses in their state. Preliminary information gathered by state partners indicates that patients consumed alfalfa sprouts prior to becoming ill. FDA’s investigation is underway to confirm the product causing illnesses and additional information will be provided when it becomes … [Read more...]

NetCost Deli Meat and Cheese Listeria Outbreak Number 7 of 2022

The deadly Netcost deli meat and cheese Listeria monocytogenes outbreak is the number seven outbreak of 2022, with at least 16 people sick in six states. Thirteen people have been hospitalized because they are so ill, and one person who lived in Maryland has died. As of November 9, 2022, which was the last time this outbreak investigation was updated, the case count by state is: California (1), Illinois (2), Maryland (3), Massachusetts (2), New Jersey (1), and New York (7). Illness onset dates range from April 17, 2021 to September 29, 2022. One person got sick during a pregnancy, which resulted in a fetal loss.  The patient age range is from 38 to 92 years. Eleven of the patients are of Eastern European background or speak Russian. Environmental samples taken from a NetCost … [Read more...]

Old Europe Cheese Listeria Outbreak Is Number Nine of 2022

The number nine food poisoning outbreak of 2022 is the Old Europe Cheese Listeria monocytogenes outbreak that sickened at least six people in six states. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) says that epidemiologic, traceback, and laboratory data showed that cheeses made by that company made people sick. This outbreak was declared over on December 9, 2022. The case count by state is: California (1), Georgia (1), Massachusetts (1), Michigan (1), New Jersey (1), and Texas (1). The patient age range is from 56 to 83 years, with a median age of 78. Five people were hospitalized because they were so sick. In interviews, patients were asked about the foods they ate the month before they got sick. Eighty percent said they ate brie or camembert cheese. Most did not … [Read more...]

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