September 1, 2024

More Daily Harvest French Lentil Crumbles Illnesses But No Answers

More Daily Harvest French Lentil + Leek crumbles illnesses have been reported to the govnermmnt, but there are still no answers about what has caused the illnesses, according to the FDA. There have been 277 Consumer Adverse Event Reports (CAERS) and Consumer Complaints submitted to the FDA as of July 14, 2022. Ninety-six people have been hospitalized. Anecdotal reports of illness have neared 500. The FDA has started an investigation, including inspection and sample collection, to try to determine what is causing these illnesses. This investigation is ongoing. The states where ill persons live include Arizona, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Maryland, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Michigan, Missouri, Montana, New Hampshire, New … [Read more...]

Listeria Found at Big Olaf Creamery Facility in Nine Swabs

Listeria found at Big Olaf Creamery facility in nine environmental swabs, according to the Florida Department of Agriculture & Consumer Services (FDACS). Erin M. Moffet, spokesman for that agency, said in a statement, "FDACS has issued a stop use order of the processing equipment where the Listeria monocytogenes was found. This will effectively shut down all operations at this processing facility, which had already been done voluntarily by the company." That ice cream is linked to a deadly Listeria monocytogenes outbreak that has sickened at least 23 people in 10 states. Twenty-two people have been hospitalized, one person who  lived in Illinois died, and there was one fetal loss. The case count by state remains: Colorado (1), Florida (12), Georgia (1), Illinois (1), Kansas (1), … [Read more...]

Big Olaf Creamery Recalls Ice Cream After Deadly Listeria Outbreak

According to news reports, Big Olaf Creamery, located in Sarasota, Florida,  is recalling its ice cream after a deadly Listeria monocytogenes outbreak was announced by the Centers For Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). There is no mention of this recall yet on the FDA web site or on any Florida government web site. That ice cream is sold only in Florida. The CDC warned consumers again against eating this ice cream in an updated statement on July 8, 2022. The case count for the Listeria outbreak remains the same: 23 sickened in 10 states, with 22 hospitalized and one person who died. Those sickened by state include: Colorado (1), Florida (12), Georgia (1), Illinois (1), Kansas (1), Massachusetts (2), Minnesota (1), New Jersey (1), New York (2), and Pennsylvania (1). Samples of … [Read more...]

CDC Reiterates Warning Against Big Olaf Ice Cream Listeria Possibility

The CDC has reiterated its warning against Big Olaf ice cream Listeria monocytogenes possibility, telling consumers to avoid it and throw it out if they have any in their home freezers. The deadly Listeria monocytogenes outbreak the CDC is investigating is linked to ice cream, and the CDC has named Big Olaf brand in connection with its investigation. The case count remains at 23 illnesses in 10 states: Colorado (1), Florida (12), Georgia (1), Illinois (1), Kansas (1), Massachusetts (2), Minnesota (1), New Jersey (1), New York (2), and Pennsylvania (1). Twenty-two people have been hospitalized and one person, who lived in Illinois, has died. Twelve of those patients live in Florida, and nine said they traveled to that state before they got sick. Illness onset dates range from January … [Read more...]

Cyclospora Illnesses Signal That the Season Has Begun With 61 Sick

Cyclospora illnesses signal that the season has begun with at least 61 people sick in 13 states, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Six people have been hospitalized. The case count by state was not reported, nor was the patient age range. Cases continue to be reported to government officials. Illnesses caused by this parasite are much more common in the spring and summer months in the United States. And there have been multiple cyclospora outbreaks in this country in the past six years. In the past, Cyclospora outbreaks have been linked to cilantro, mesclun lettuce, basil, snow peas, and raspberries. There are also new cyclospora illnesses in Canada. At least 84 people in three provinces are ill, and four have been hospitalized. In 2021, … [Read more...]

Deadly Florida Listeria Monocytogenes Outbreak Linked to Ice Cream

The new deadly Florida Listeria monocytogenes outbreak is linked to ice cream, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). As a result of the investigation, Big Olaf Creamery of Sarasota, Florida is contacting retail locations to recommend they not sell their product. Anyone who has any Big Olaf Creamery brand ice cream at home should discard it immediately, even if some has been consumed and no one has been ill. The case count by state remains at: Colorado (1), Florida (12), Georgia (1), Illinois (1), Kansas (1), Massachusetts (2), Minnesota (1), New Jersey (1), New York (2), and Pennsylvania (1). The patient age range is from less than one to 92. Five people got sick during a pregnancy, and one illness resulted in a fetal loss. The person who died lived in … [Read more...]

Mystery Listeria Monocytogenes Outbreak Sickens 23 With One Death

A mystery Listeria monocytogenes outbreak has sickened at least 23 people in 10 states, and one person has died, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Twenty-two people have been hospitalized. The only clue so far is that most of the patients either live in or traveled to Florida about a month before they got sick. The case count by state is: Colorado (1), Florida (12), Georgia (1), Illinois (1), Kansas (1), Massachusetts (2), Minnesota (1), New Jersey (1), New York (2), and Pennsylvania (1). The patient age range is from less than one to 92. Five people got sick during a pregnancy, and one illness resulted in a fetal loss. The person who died lived in Illinois. Of the 22 people who provided information to investigators, 20 said they lived in or … [Read more...]

One More Probable Hepatitis A Strawberries Case Added

One more probable hepatitis A strawberries case has been added to the investigation into the outbreak linked to that fruit, according to the FDA. That person has been hospitalized. We do not know where that person lives, or the age range of any of the patients. We do know that the last illness onset date was May 6, 2022. And the recall of Urban Remedy Tea that was reported on June 10, 2022 is now considered a market withdrawal, since that product was not made with the recalled strawberries. The strawberries were imported from Baja, California and branded as FreshKampo and HEB by a common supplier. The berries that caused these illnesses were purchased between March 5, 2022 and April 15, 2022. They are obviously past their shelf life, but some consumers may have processed and … [Read more...]

Strawberry Hepatitis A Outbreak Grows with 13 Hospitalized

The strawberry hepatitis A outbreak has now hospitalized 13 people, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Eighteen people are sick in three states, an increase of one more patient since the outbreak was announced on May 28, 2022. The CDC recommends that anyone who bought fresh organic strawberries branded as FreshKampo or HEB from the period of March 5, 2022 and April 15, 2022, and then froze those strawberries discard them immediately. If you aren't sure if you bought those brands, throw them away. If you ate those strawberries within the last two weeks, talk to your doctor about getting a hepatitis A vaccine. That vaccine is effective only if given within the first two weeks after exposure. The case count by state is: California (16), Minnesota … [Read more...]

New E. coli O157:H7 Outbreak Added to FDA CORE Investigation Table

A new E. coli O157:H7 outbreak has been added to the FDA's CORE Outbreak Investigation Table. At least 10 people are sick. We do not know the states where the ill persons live, their age range, illness onset dates, or if anyone has been hospitalized. Traceback has been initiated, but no recall has been issued, there has been no on-site inspection or sample collection, and no analysis of any product has started. This new E. coli O157:H7 outbreak is probably associated with an FDA-regulated food. This outbreak joins four other active outbreak investigations, and the investigation into the Cronobacter illnesses and Abbott Nutrition's powdered infant formula plant closure has been transferred to an IMG investigative unit. The hepatitis A outbreak linked to imported FreshKampo and HEB … [Read more...]

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