Raw Farm raw milk is being recalled in California for possible Campylobacter contamination. The milk is produced and packaged by Raw Farm LLC of Fresno County, California. No illnesses have been reported to date in connection with the consumption of this unpasteurized milk. The farm is located at 7221 South Jameson Avenue in Fresno. The recall and quarantine order was announced by California State Veterinarian Dr. Annette Jones after Campylobacter was found in the farm's packaged whole raw milk. The milk was sampled and tested by the California Department of Food and Agriculture. Routine sampling conducted at the farm found the pathogen. The recalled product is Raw Farm Whole Raw Milk that is packaged in half gallon (64 ounce) and gallon (128 ounce) plastic jugs. The code date … [Read more...]
Fifteen Tips to Avoid Food Poisoning
Whenever there is a good poisoning outbreak, odds are that the outbreak notice will include some information about how consumers can protect themselves against contaminated food. While it is illegal for companies to sell food contaminated with enough pathogens to make someone ill, it happens all the time. These 15 tips to avoid food poisoning may help. Despite efforts from the federal government, industry, food processors, and farmers, the number of food poisoning cases in America isn't going down. There are still about 48,000,000 cases of food poisoning every year in this country, with about 126,000 hospitalizations and 3,000 deaths. But there are things you can do to protect yourself and your family. In fact, there are (at least) 15 tips to avoid food poisoning. Fifteen Tips … [Read more...]
Valley Milk Simply Bottled Goat Milk Recalled For Campylobacter
Valley Milk Simply Bottled goat milk is being recalled for possible Campylobacter contamination. The milk is raw, or unpasteurized. It is the subject of a statewide recall and quarantine order announced by California State Veterinarian Dr. Annette Jones. The quarantine order follows the confirmed detection of the pathogen in the farm's packaged raw whole goat milk that was sampled and tested by the California Department of Food and Agriculture. The order applies to Valley Milk Simply Bottled Raw Goat Milk and DESI MILK Raw goat Milk that is distributed in half gallon (64 ounce) plastic jugs. The code date stamped on the containers is OCT 21 2022 through OCT 31 2022. Consumers are strongly urged to dispose of any of these products they may have purchased. Retailers are ordered to … [Read more...]
Valley Milk Simply Bottled Sheep Milk Recalled For Campylobacter
Valley Milk Simply Bottled Sheep Milk is being recalled in California for possible Campylobacter contamination. This is raw, or unpasteurized, sheep's milk. The milk is subject to a statewide recall and quarantine order by the state of California. No illnesses have been reported to date in connection with the consumption of this product. Lab tests confirmed the detection of the pathogen Campylobacter jejuni in the farm's packaged raw whole sheep milk. The California Department of Food and Agriculture conducted the testing. The recalled milk is Valley Milk Simply Bottled Sheep Milk that is distributed in half gallon (64 ounce) plastic jugs. It is labeled as "Valley Milk Simply Bottled Raw Sheep Milk." The recall order applies to milk that has expiration date codes of SEP 28 2022 … [Read more...]
Possible Campylobacter Outbreak in McHenry County, Illinois
A possible Campylobacter outbreak in McHenry County, Illinois has sickened at least eight people, according to a McHenry County press release. Patients got sick between August 17 and August 30, 2022. That number is four times more cases compared to the previous two weeks, and more than three times more cases in August compared to July 2022. No common source of infection has been identified at this time. Although Campylobacter is the most common cause of diarrhea in the United States, outbreaks, which are defined as two or more unrelated people sickened by the same bacterial strain, from this pathogen are relatively rare. In 2021, there was a Campylobacter outbreak in Washington state linked to Dungeness Creamery raw milk that sickened at least five people. And in 2020, a … [Read more...]
Raw Milk Is Not a Substitute for Powdered Infant Formula
Raw milk is not a substitute for powdered infant formula, according to experts at Cornell University. With many parents desperate for the formula to feed infants and children with special dietary needs after Abbott Nutrition's plant in Sturgis, Michigan was shut down for Cronobacter contamination, there is a lot of bad advice popping up online. Parents are urged not to make homemade formula, which does not have the nutrition infants need. And never feed infants raw milk. Raw milk can be, and has been, contaminated with pathogens that include E. coli O157:H7, Listeria monocytogenes, Campylobacter, Brucella, and Salmonella. In fact, while only 1% of consumers drink raw milk, raw milk causes 70% of milk outbreaks. Raw milk is especially risky when given to any person at high risk for … [Read more...]