In-depth analysis from Food Poisoning Bulletin Meat and poultry producers issued 34 recalls last year, a 48 percent drop from 2023 and the lowest total of the last decade, excluding 2020, according to a Food Poisoning Bulletin review of data published by the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Food Safety and Inspection Service (USDA FSIS). "The number of recalls is likely to fluctuate over any given period of time, due to the number of variables that affect whether a recall is necessary to remove adulterated or misbranded product from commerce. Over the last few years, FSIS has pushed for more accountability from industry to produce safe and wholesome products. Through numerous calls, meetings, roundtables and guidance documents, we are proactively engaging with industry on ways to … [Read more...]
2024 Meat and Poultry Recalls Plummet from 2023 Total
There are 10 Dead and 59 Sick in Boar’s Head Listeria Outbreak

There are now 10 people dead and 59 sick in Boar's Head Listeria monocytogenes outbreak, according to the CDC. All 59 people have been hospitalized. The outbreak has affected people in 19 states. The CDC says that illness reports have started to decrease. The case count by state is: Arizona (1), Florida (3), Georgia (2), Illinois (1), Indiana (1), Louisiana (1), Maryland (8), Massachusetts (3), Minnesota (1), Missouri (3), New Jersey (6), New Mexico (1), New York (17), North Carolina (1), Pennsylvania (2), South Carolina (2), Tennessee (1), Virginia (4), and Wisconsin (1). The people who died lived in Illinois, New Jersey, Virginia, Florida, Tennessee, two were from New York, New Mexico, and two lived in South Carolina. The patient age range is from 32 to 95 years. … [Read more...]
Three Deaths in Boar’s Head Listeria Monocytogenes Outbreak

There are now three deaths in Boar's Head Listeria monocytogenes outbreak, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), an increase of one more since the last update. And nine more illnesses and 10 new hospitalizations have been reported. The case count by state is: Georgia (2), Illinois (1), Indiana (1), Maryland (8), Massachusetts (3), Minnesota (1), Missouri (3), New Jersey (4), New York (14), North Carolina (1), Pennsylvania (1), Virginia (3), and Wisconsin (1). All of the 43 patients have been hospitalized. Sick person’s samples were collected from May 29, 2024 to July 12, 2024. One person got sick during their pregnancy. The patient age range is from 32 to 94 years. The three people who died lived in Illinois, New Jersey, and Virginia. State and … [Read more...]
Deli Meat Listeria Outbreak Sickens 28, With 2 Dead

A deli meat Listeria outbreak has sickened at least 28 people in 12 states, with 2 dead, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). No specific product or deli or supplier has been identified so far. The case count by state is: Georgia (2), Illinois (1), Maryland (6), Massachusetts (2), Minnesota (1), Missouri (2), New Jersey (2), New York (7), North Carolina (1), Pennsylvania (1), Virginia (2), and Wisconsin (2). Patient samples were collected from May 29, 2024 to July 5, 2024. The patient age range is from 32 to 94 years. One person got sick during a pregnancy and remained pregnant. The two people who died lived in Illinois and New Jersey. Public health officials interviewed patients about what they ate in the month before they got sick. Most reported … [Read more...]
Consumer Reports Lists 10 Risky Recalled Foods From 2017-2022

Consumer Reports lists 10 risky recalled foods from 2017 to 2022 that you should know about. These foods were recalled because of bacterial contamination and many were linked to foodborne illness outbreaks. The 10 risky recalled foods that are listed in rank order include: Leafy Greens. These types of vegetables were linked to 50 outbreaks and recalls. There were 614 illnesses and 11 deaths as a result of E. coli and Listeria monocytogenes bacterial contamination on these products, including the deadly Listeria monocytogenes outbreak linked to Fresh Express packaged salads that sickened and hospitalized 10 people in 10 states, and the Wendy's E. coli romaine outbreak that sickened at least 109 people in six states. Contaminated water used to irritate crops is one source of these … [Read more...]
Deadly Listeria Deli Meat Outbreak Ends With 16 Sick

The deadly Netcost Listeria deli meat and cheese outbreak has finally ended after 4-1/2 months with no update, with 16 people in six states sick. Thirteen people were hospitalized because they were so ill. The case count by state is: California (1), Illinois (2), Maryland (3), Massachusetts (2), New Jersey (1), and New York (7). This case count has not changed since the outbreak was first announced on November 9, 2022. The patient age range is from 38 to 92 years. Sick people's samples were collected from April 17, 2021 to September 29, 2022. Of 14 people who gave information about their illnesses to officials, 13 were hospitalized. One death was reported from Maryland, and there was one pregnancy loss. Of 12 people interviewed, 11 said they ate meat or cheese from deli counters. … [Read more...]
NetCost Deli Meat and Cheese Listeria Outbreak Number 7 of 2022

The deadly Netcost deli meat and cheese Listeria monocytogenes outbreak is the number seven outbreak of 2022, with at least 16 people sick in six states. Thirteen people have been hospitalized because they are so ill, and one person who lived in Maryland has died. As of November 9, 2022, which was the last time this outbreak investigation was updated, the case count by state is: California (1), Illinois (2), Maryland (3), Massachusetts (2), New Jersey (1), and New York (7). Illness onset dates range from April 17, 2021 to September 29, 2022. One person got sick during a pregnancy, which resulted in a fetal loss. The patient age range is from 38 to 92 years. Eleven of the patients are of Eastern European background or speak Russian. Environmental samples taken from a NetCost … [Read more...]
FDA Issues Final Rule on Food Traceability Under FSMA

The FDA has issued the final rule on food traceability under the Food Safety and Modernization Act of 2011 (FSMA). Traceability is the ability to identify foods that may be contaminated, especially if that food is suspected as being part of an outbreak. The rule establishes traceability record keeping requirements for anyone who manufacturers, processes, packs, or holds foods that are on the Food Traceability List. Companies and people subject to this rule must maintain records containing Key Data Elements associated with specific Critical Tracking Events. They must provide information to the FDA within 24 hours or some other time frame to which the FDA has agreed. Foods that are on the Food Traceability List include: cheeses other than hard cheeses, specifically soft and … [Read more...]
History of Deli Meat and Cheese Listeria Outbreaks

Once again, a new Listeria monocytogenes outbreak linked to deli meats and cheeses has been reported by the CDC. These outbreaks have happened regularly since 2018, and cause serious illness and hospitalizations. The history of deli meat and cheese listeria outbreaks is deadly. These products are susceptible to Listeria contamination for several reasons. First, this pathogen is very persistent and it can protect itself against regular cleaning products by producing a biofilm. Once it has been introduced into a deli environment it is very difficult to eradicate. The bacteria can hide in cracks and in machines that are difficult to clean, such as deli meat slicers. And since many establishments may not clean their slicers often enough or thoroughly enough, cross-contamination … [Read more...]
New Deli Meat and Cheese Listeria Outbreak Sickens 16

A new deli meat and cheese Listeria outbreak has sickened at least 16 people, hospitalized 13, and killed one person, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Those patients live in six states. The case count by state is: California (1), Illinois (2), Maryland (3), Massachusetts (2), New Jersey (1), and New York (7). Illness onset dates range from April 17, 2021 to September 29, 2022. The patient age range is from 38 to 92 years. Eleven of the patients are of Eastern European background or speak Russian. Of 14 people who gave information about their illnesses to public health investigators, 13 have been hospitalized. One person got sick during their pregnancy, resulting in a fetal loss. And one death from Maryland has been reported. Officials are … [Read more...]