September 1, 2024

Deadly Outbreak at Dave’s Sushi Sickens 30 in Bozeman, Montana

A deadly outbreak at Dave's Sushi in Bozeman, Montana has sickened at least 30 people, according to the Gallatin City-County Health Department. The notice, which was posted on the Montana Department of Public Health and Human Services (DPHHS) website, stated, "Three individuals had severe outcomes, including hospitalizations, and the deaths of two individuals are being investigated after eating at the restaurant." Officials say that they may not be able to identify a specific pathogen as the source. The food poisoning outbreak seems to be isolated to people who ate at Dave's Sushi between March 31 and April 17, 2023. DPHHS epidemiologist Rachel Hinnenkamp of the Communicable Disease and Epidemiology Section said in a statement, "DPHHS supports the Gallatin City-County Health … [Read more...]

Deadly Listeria Deli Meat Outbreak Ends With 16 Sick

The deadly Netcost Listeria deli meat and cheese outbreak has finally ended after 4-1/2 months with no update, with 16 people in six states sick. Thirteen people were hospitalized because they were so ill. The case count by state is: California (1), Illinois (2), Maryland (3), Massachusetts (2), New Jersey (1), and New York (7). This case count has not changed since the outbreak was first announced on November 9, 2022. The patient age range is from 38 to 92 years. Sick people's samples were collected from April 17, 2021 to September 29, 2022. Of 14 people who gave information about their illnesses to officials, 13 were hospitalized. One death was reported from Maryland, and there was one pregnancy loss. Of 12 people interviewed, 11 said they ate meat or cheese from deli counters. … [Read more...]

What Happened to the Deadly Listeria Outbreak Linked to Delis?

What happened to the deadly Listeria outbreak linked to deli meats and cheeses? This outbreak investigation is not on the FDA CORE Outbreak Investigation Table or on the USDA's Outbreak Table, and it has not been updated since November 9, 2022, more than three months ago. In this outbreak, at least 16 people in six states have been sickened. Thirteen of those patients were hospitalized, and one person who lived in Maryland died. In addition, one person got sick during a pregnancy, resulting in a fetal loss. Illness onset dates range from April 17, 2021 to September 29, 2022. The states where ill persons live include California, Illinois, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Jersey, and New York. Of 13 people who gave ethnicity information to public health officials, 11 are of Eastern … [Read more...]

History of Deli Meat and Cheese Listeria Outbreaks

Once again, a new Listeria monocytogenes outbreak linked to deli meats and cheeses has been reported by the CDC. These outbreaks have happened regularly since 2018, and cause serious illness and hospitalizations. The history of deli meat and cheese listeria outbreaks is deadly. These products are susceptible to Listeria contamination for several reasons. First, this pathogen is very persistent and it can protect itself against regular cleaning products by producing a biofilm. Once it has been introduced into a deli environment it is very difficult to eradicate. The bacteria can hide in cracks and in machines that are difficult to clean, such as deli meat slicers. And since many establishments may not clean their slicers often enough or thoroughly enough, cross-contamination … [Read more...]

New Deli Meat and Cheese Listeria Outbreak Sickens 16

A new deli meat and cheese Listeria outbreak has sickened at least 16 people, hospitalized 13, and killed one person, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Those patients live in six states. The case count by state is: California (1), Illinois (2), Maryland (3), Massachusetts (2), New Jersey (1), and New York (7). Illness onset dates range from April 17, 2021 to September 29, 2022. The patient age range is from 38 to 92 years. Eleven of the patients are of Eastern European background or speak Russian. Of 14 people who gave information about their illnesses to public health investigators, 13 have been hospitalized. One person got sick during their pregnancy, resulting in a fetal loss. And one death from Maryland has been reported. Officials are … [Read more...]

Big Olaf Ice Cream Listeria Outbreak Joins List of Other Brands

The Big Olaf Ice Cream Listeria monocytogenes outbreak joins a list of other brands that have caused illnesses over the past decade. The CDC has named Big Olaf ice cream in the new outbreak centered in Florida that has sickened at least 23 people. A recall has not been issued, but the company is contacting their customers to "recommend" against selling their products. Big Olaf ice cream is only sold in Florida, where most of the ill persons live. And among the 82% of patients who ate ice cream before they got sick and were interviewed by government officials, six said they ate Big Olaf Creamery brand ice cream or ate at restaurants where that ice cream was served. Over the years there have been dozens of recalls of ice cream for possible Listeria contamination. In fact, in 2019 … [Read more...]

Deadly Florida Listeria Monocytogenes Outbreak Linked to Ice Cream

The new deadly Florida Listeria monocytogenes outbreak is linked to ice cream, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). As a result of the investigation, Big Olaf Creamery of Sarasota, Florida is contacting retail locations to recommend they not sell their product. Anyone who has any Big Olaf Creamery brand ice cream at home should discard it immediately, even if some has been consumed and no one has been ill. The case count by state remains at: Colorado (1), Florida (12), Georgia (1), Illinois (1), Kansas (1), Massachusetts (2), Minnesota (1), New Jersey (1), New York (2), and Pennsylvania (1). The patient age range is from less than one to 92. Five people got sick during a pregnancy, and one illness resulted in a fetal loss. The person who died lived in … [Read more...]

Mystery Listeria Monocytogenes Outbreak Sickens 23 With One Death

A mystery Listeria monocytogenes outbreak has sickened at least 23 people in 10 states, and one person has died, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Twenty-two people have been hospitalized. The only clue so far is that most of the patients either live in or traveled to Florida about a month before they got sick. The case count by state is: Colorado (1), Florida (12), Georgia (1), Illinois (1), Kansas (1), Massachusetts (2), Minnesota (1), New Jersey (1), New York (2), and Pennsylvania (1). The patient age range is from less than one to 92. Five people got sick during a pregnancy, and one illness resulted in a fetal loss. The person who died lived in Illinois. Of the 22 people who provided information to investigators, 20 said they lived in or … [Read more...]

El Abuelito Listeria Monocytogenes Outbreak Report in MMWR

The El Abuelito Listeria monocytogenes outbreak in 2021 is the subject of a Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR) from the CDC for the week of May 27, 2022. That outbreak sickened at least 13 people in four states. Twelve people were hospitalized and one person died. The outbreak was linked to Hispanic-style cheese within 19 days of the detection of the illness cluster. Rapid food testing by agencies identified the implicated cheese. PulseNet, the national molecular subtyping surveillance network that is coordinated by the CDC, found a cluster of three infections on January 19, 2021. Two of the patients lived in Maryland and one lived in Connecticut. All of the patients were of Hispanic ethnicity. The cheese that was linked to this outbreak is a fresh, soft cheese made … [Read more...]

Deadly Dole Salad Listeria Outbreak Ends With 18 Sick in 13 States

The deadly Dole Salad Listeria monocytogenes outbreak has ended with 18 sick in 13 states, 16 patients hospitalized, and three deaths, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). That's an increase of one more patient in Ohio and one more death, also in Ohio, since the last update in early February 2022. The patient case count by state is: Idaho (1), Iowa (2), Maryland (1), Michigan (1), Minnesota (2), Nevada (1), North Carolina (1), Ohio (3), Oregon (1), Pennsylvania (1), Texas (2), Utah (1), and Wisconsin (1). Illness onset dates range from August 16, 2014 to January 15, 2021. The patient age range is from 50 to 94 years. Of 16 people who gave information to public health officials, all were hospitalized. Three deaths have been reported: one each from … [Read more...]

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