March 15, 2025

Idaho Illnesses Prompt Warnings About Unlicensed Vendors

Idaho illnesses have prompted the Idaho Central Health District into issuing warnings to consumers about unlicensed restaurants and unregulated food vendors.  In the last few months, officials have received food poisoning complaints related to those facilities. Consumers are urged to use caution when purchasing foods from home vendors and to not visit unlicensed "underground" restaurants operated out of home kitchens. Environmental Health Program Manager Natasha Ferney said in a statement, "There are multiple risk factors in buying from unlicensed and unregulated vendors, but the most serious is the risk of foodborne illness. These vendors may not have a sanitary kitchen that meets provisions of the Idaho Food Code or know how to properly store or handle food to help prevent growth … [Read more...]

Paradise Grove Dairy Raw Milk Campylobacter Outbreak in Idaho

A Paradise Grove raw milk Campylobacter outbreak in Idaho has sickened at least 18 people, according to the Idaho Department of Health and Welfare. The Idaho Division of Public Health is collaborating with Central District Health (CDH), Eastern Idaho Public Health (EIPH), and Idaho State Department of Agriculture (ISDA) in this ongoing investigation. All 18 patients reported drinking raw milk before they got sick, and 17 patients said they drank raw milk that was produced by Pacific Grove Dairy in Jefferson County before getting sick. That dairy distributes milk to many stores across southern Idaho. CDH and EIPH are conducting interviews with these patients. The dairy voluntary stopped producing the milk on August 2, 2024, inspected and repaired equipment, and increased the … [Read more...]

Outbreak Number Three of 2023: Papa Murphy’s Cookie Dough

The number three outbreak of 2023 is the Papa Murphy's Cookie Dough Salmonella outbreak that sickened at least 26 people in six states. The outbreak was also an opportunity for the government to warn consumers that eating uncooked cookie dough made with raw eggs and raw flour is a health hazard. The case count by state was: California (2), Idaho (5), Missouri (1), Oregon (8), Utah (4), and Washington (6). Four people were hospitalized because they were so sick. The patient age range was from 14 to 81 years. Illness onset dates ranged from February 24, 2023 to May 28, 2023. In interviews with government officials, 17 of 22 patients said they ate food from Papa Murphy's before they got sick. Fifteen said they ate Papa Murphy's raw chocolate chip cookie dough or raw S'mores bars … [Read more...]

Five Raw Milk Outbreaks Highlight the Inherent Risks

Five raw milk outbreaks occurring at the same time this fall highlight the inherent risks of this product. Raw milk is unpasteurized, that is, it is not heat treated to kill dangerous pathogens such as E. coli, Listeria monocytogenes, Salmonella, Brucella, Campylobacter, and Cryptosporidium. The issue is that a cow's udders are close to the anus. And ruminant animals such as cows can harbor pathogens and not appear sick. The pathogens are excreted in feces and can easily contaminate the udders and milk. All together, these outbreaks have sickened at least 51 people. And since the multipliers for Salmonella and Campylobacter alone are around 30, that means there could be 1500 people sick. The Outbreaks These outbreaks occurred in September and October, 2023. Two of the outbreaks … [Read more...]

Provider Farms Raw Milk Campylobacter Outbreak in Idaho

A Provider Farms raw milk Campylobacter outbreak in Idaho has sickened five people in Ada County, according to the Central District Health office. Three of those five people have tested positive for campylobacteriosis, a bacterial infection. They reported drinking raw milk that was produced by Provider Farms in Mountain Home before they got sick. There is no mention about whether or not any of these patients have been hospitalized. The outbreak was identified on September 20, 2023, when those patients were diagnosed. Officials from the Central Health District are collaborating with the Idaho State Department of Agriculture and the Idaho Department of Health and Welfare on the investigation into this outbreak. Public health officials are interviewing patients and are collecting … [Read more...]

Papa Murphy’s Cookie Dough Salmonella Outbreak Ends

The Papa Murphy's Cookie Dough Salmonella outbreak has ended with at least 26 people sick in six states, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Four people were hospitalized. Even though this outbreak is over, the government is warning consumers that eating raw cookie dough made with unpasteurized eggs and raw flour is a hazard and can make you sick. The case count by state is: California (2), Idaho (5), Missouri (1), Oregon (8), Utah (4), and Washington (6). That is an increase of eight more patients since the last update on May 23, 2023. The newly diagnosed ill persons live in California, Idaho, Oregon, and Utah. The patient age range is from 14 to 81 years. Illness onset dates ranged from February 24, 2023 to May 28, 2023. State and local health … [Read more...]

FDA Weighs In On Papa Murphy’s Cookie Dough Outbreak

The FDA weighs in on the Papa Murphy's Cookie Dough Salmonella outbreak that has sickened at least 18 people in six states. The cookie dough is Chocolate Chip Cookie and S'Mores Bars. They were sold at Papa Murphy's franchises. Twelve of 14 patients told Centers for Disease Control and Prevention investigators that they ate the raw dough before they got sick. Papa Murphy's has notified franchise owners about this issue nationwide and has stopped selling the product. They destroyed all of the doughs at all stores. The investigation is ongoing to determine the source of the contamination and whether more products are linked to illnesses. The case count by state is: California (1), Idaho (4), Missouri (1), Oregon (4), Utah (2) and Washington (6). Illness onset dates range from … [Read more...]

Eastern Idaho Campylobacter Outbreak Associated with Raw Milk

An Eastern Idaho Campylobacter outbreak is associated with the consumption of raw milk, according to a notice posted on that agency's Facebook page. Eastern Idaho Public Health is working in conjunction with the Idaho State Department of Agriculture and the Idaho Department of Health and Welfare to educate the public about the inherent risks of consuming unpasteurized dairy products. Raw, or unpasteurized, milk and dairy products are associated with many food poisoning outbreaks and illnesses in the past several decades. Pathogens linked to these types of products include Campylobacter, E. coli, Salmonella, Brucella, and Listeria monocytogenes. The notice did not state how many people are sick, the patient age range, illness onset date, or whether or not anyone has been … [Read more...]

Hepatitis A in Food Worker at Black Bear Diner on West State St. in Boise, ID

A food service worker at the Black Bear Diner on West State Street in Boise, Idaho has been diagnosed with hepatitis A, according to the Central Health District in Idaho. That restaurant is located at 7530 West State Street in Boise. The employee only worked at the northwest Boise location. That is under different ownership from the south Boise location of a restaurant that shares the same name. The employee worked at the State Street Black Bear Diner on January 26, 30, 31 of 2020, and February 1, 2, 6, 7, 8, 9, 13, 14, 15, and 16 of 2020. Unfortunately, six of those dates: January 26, 30, 31, and February 1, 2, and 6, 2020 are outside the two week window when hepatitis A vaccinations are effective. While the risk of contracting a hepatitis A infection from a food service worker is … [Read more...]

CDC Investigating E. coli O157:H7 Romaine Outbreak Including MD and WI Illnesses

An E. coli O157:H7 romaine outbreak that includes illnesses reported by Maryland and Wisconsin has just been announced by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The Maryland outbreak was announced on November 18, 2019, and the Wisconsin outbreak was announced on November 16, 2019, although the first indication of the Wisconsin illnesses was posted on ProMED-mail. So far, the CDC says that 17 people are sick in 8 states. The case count by state is: Arizona (1), California (2), Colorado (1), Idaho (3), Maryland (2), Montana (1), Washington (1), and Wisconsin (6). The case count for Maryland posted by the CDC is different from the case count posted by the Maryland Department of Health, which is seven sick. So there may be as many as 22 people who are ill in this … [Read more...]

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