The Sweet Cream pastries Salmonella outbreak has ended with 18 sick in seven states, according to the FDA. The CDC did not release any information about this outbreak, so we do not know the patient age range or how many people are sick in each state. An outbreak linked to the same product sickened at least 79 people in Canada. The outbreak was last updated on February 6, 2025. The number of patients has remained the same. States with patients include California, Illinois, Massachusetts, North Carolina, New Jersey, New York, and Pennsylvania. The last illness onset date was December 26, 2024. The pastries, which were imported from Italy, with best by dates from June 17, 2025 through November 15, 2025, were recalled. Food service customers who bought the pastries were contacted by … [Read more...]
Idaho Illnesses Prompt Warnings About Unlicensed Vendors
Idaho illnesses have prompted the Idaho Central Health District into issuing warnings to consumers about unlicensed restaurants and unregulated food vendors. In the last few months, officials have received food poisoning complaints related to those facilities. Consumers are urged to use caution when purchasing foods from home vendors and to not visit unlicensed "underground" restaurants operated out of home kitchens. Environmental Health Program Manager Natasha Ferney said in a statement, "There are multiple risk factors in buying from unlicensed and unregulated vendors, but the most serious is the risk of foodborne illness. These vendors may not have a sanitary kitchen that meets provisions of the Idaho Food Code or know how to properly store or handle food to help prevent growth … [Read more...]
Sweet Cream Pastries Salmonella Outbreak Sickens 18
A Sweet Cream pastries Salmonella outbreak has sickened at least 18 people in seven states, according to the FDA. An outbreak linked to these products has been reported in Canada, where at least 69 are sick in five provinces, with 22 hospitalizations. The pastries were manufactured in Italy and exported into the United States by Importations Piu Che Dolci Inc. of Quebec, Canada. Patients have been reported from these states: California, Illinois, Massachusetts, North Carolina, New Jersey, New York, and Pennsylvania. The product was distributed in Florida, New Jersey, New York, and Pennsylvania. The product could have been distributed in more states. One person has been hospitalized. We do not know the state where that person lives. We also do not know the patient age range or how … [Read more...]
FDA Alerts About Use of Amanita Muscaria in Food
The FDA is alerting industry and consumers about the use of amanita muscaria, its extracts, and some of its byproducts, including muscimol, ibotenic acid, and muscarine, in food. The agency has decided that these ingredients do not meet the standard for use in food and that their use as ingredients may be harmful. People should avoid eating foods made with these ingredients. One of the products that did use amanita mascara extracts was Diamond Shruumz. Muscimol, a substance found in Amanita muscaria and related mushrooms, was found in nine Diamond Shruumz chocolate bar samples and four infused cones samples. Those products were linked to a deadly outbreak that sickened at least 180 people and hospitalized 73. There are three deaths potentially associated with that outbreak. These … [Read more...]