September 1, 2024

Preterm Infant Dies After Receiving Evivo with MCT Oil Probiotic

A preterm infant has died after receiving Evivo with MCT Oil probiotic in the hospital. That dietary supplement, produced by Infinant Health, is formulated to contain the live bacterium Bifidobacterium longum subsp. infantis, according to the FDA. The infant developed sepsis caused by that bacterium. The FDA is investigating this death. Genomic sequencing data found that the bacteria that caused sepsis in the infant was a genetic match to the bacteria in the probiotic. The FDA is now warning that preterm infants who are given these dietary supplements are "at risk of invasive, potentially fatal disease caused by the bacteria or fungi contained in probiotics." Medical literature reports state that microorganisms in probiotics have caused bacteremia or fungemia, sometimes with severe … [Read more...]

Chuckle & Roar Ultimate Water Beads Recalled After Infant Death

Chuckle & Roar Ultimate Water Beads are being recalled after an infant died after ingesting the beads. Another baby required surgery for a bowel obstruction. The product was sold exclusively at Target stores nationwide. The recalling firm is Buffalo Games LLC Of Buffalo, New York. If a water bead is ingested, it expands and can pose a choking hazard, along with intestinal obstructions. Symptoms include severe discomfort, vomiting, dehydration, and risk of death. Buffalo Games has received one report of a 10-month-old child's death from swallowing the water beads in July 2023. The child lived in Wisconsin. And a 9-month-old baby, who lives in Maine, was seriously injured and required surgery in November 2022 after the water beads caused an intestinal obstruction. About … [Read more...]

Deadly Listeria Outbreak Associated With Tacoma Frugals Milkshakes

A deadly Listeria monocytogenes outbreak that is associated with milkshakes served at the Tacoma Frugals restaurant has hospitalized six people, according to the Washington State Department of Health. Three patients have sadly died. Listeria monocytogenes bacteria was found in all milkshake flavors sold at that restaurant, which is located at 10727 Pacific Avenue South in Tacoma, Washington. All six patients in this outbreak had health issues that made them more vulnerable to infections. Two people who were hospitalized and survived said they ate the Tacoma Frugals' milkshakes before they got sick. Because ice cream has been linked to listeriosis outbreaks in the past, the Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department collected samples from the restaurant on August 8, 2023, and today … [Read more...]

Deadly Listeria Monocytogenes Outbreak in Western Washington

A deadly Listeria monocytogenes outbreak in western Washington state has sickened five patients, according to the Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department. Officials from that department are working with the Washington State Department of Health and the Thurston County Public Health and Social Services Department to investigate this outbreak. All of the patients were hospitalized and three have died. All the cases were patients with weakened immune systems who were in their 60s or 70s. Four of the patients are in Pierce county, and one is in Thurston county. Public health officials are interviewing patients or their families to try to identify common exposures. No food or common exposure has been identified yet. People who are most at risk for serious complications from a … [Read more...]

CDC Discusses 2022 Lucky Ladd Farms E. coli Outbreak

In the CDC's Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR) for the week of July 21, 2023, the 2022 Lucky Ladd Farms E. coli O157:H7 outbreak is discussed. In that outbreak, 12 children were sickened after visiting the farm in Tennessee, and there were two secondary infections. Three week-long summer camps were held at that farm during the summer. Animal husbandry was taught; children aged 6 to 10 were assigned a baby goat to care for. Shiga toxin-producing E. coli (STEC) bacteria live in the guts of ruminant animals such as goats, sheep, cattle, and deer, but the animal does not get sick. They excrete the pathogen in their feces. This outbreak was similar to petting zoo outbreaks which have occurred over the years. The Tennessee Department of Health conducted an environmental … [Read more...]

Deadly Dave’s Sushi Morel Mushroom Outbreak Ends With 51 Sick

The deadly Dave's Sushi morel mushrooms outbreak has ended with 51 people sick, according to the FDA, although the Gallatin City-County Health Department and the Montana Department of Public Health and Human Services are conducting follow-up activities. The FDA said that there does not appear to be any further risk to the public. That is an increase of one more patient since the last update on May 18, 2023. There were two deaths in this outbreak. Toxicology reports and autopsy reports have not been released. Three people were hospitalized because they were so sick. The last illness onset date was April 21, 2023. Symptoms included abdominal pain, nausea, diarrhea, and/or vomiting. The mushrooms sampled from the restaurant were true morels, not "false morels," which are toxic. … [Read more...]

New Salmonella Outbreak Added to FDA CORE Table

A new Salmonella outbreak and a new cyclospora cluster have been added to the FDA's Core Outbreak Investigation Table. There are now six active outbreak investigations on that table. The new Salmonella outbreak is Salmonella Paratyphi B var. L(+) tartrate+. There are at least 31 people sick in this outbreak. Traceback has been initiated, but there is no information about what food is suspected, where ill persons live, the patient age range, or if anyone has been hospitalized. The new Cyclospora cluster has 28 ill persons. Once again, FDA has initiated traceback, but a product linked to those illnesses has not been identified. There is no patient age range or information about where ill persons live. The Salmonella Enteritidis outbreak linked to raw cookie dough remains … [Read more...]

FDA Releases Morel Advisory After Dave’s Sushi Illnesses

The FDA releases Morel advisory after illnesses among patrons of Dave's Sushi in Bozeman, Montana. At least 50 people were sickened, and two customers died after eating at that establishment, although the manner of death has not been established. Morel mushrooms are most often foraged from the wild. While morel mushrooms are generally regarded as safe to eat, they may contain toxins that can cause health problems. The advisory states that the toxins that can cause illness are not fully understood. Cooking the mushrooms properly can reduce toxin levels, but the FDA says that people should eat morel and other wild-type mushrooms at their own risk. As of May 19, 2023, the outbreak at Dave's Sushi has sickened 50 people who ate at the restaurant between March 28 and April 27, 2023. … [Read more...]

Dave’s Sushi Outbreak Remains Unsolved; Restaurant Reopens

The Dave's Sushi outbreak in Bozeman, Montana remains unsolved and the restaurant has opened because the Gallatin City-County Health Department has rescinded the closure order. A new health officer order has been issued, with corrective actions required before reopening. As of May 17, 2023, there are 50 people sick; an increase of nine more cases since the last update a week ago. Two people have died after eating at the restaurant, although those deaths are being investigated and the manner and causes of the deaths are pending until autopsy results are available. Food samples, including salmon and morel mushrooms, which were suspected in this outbreak, have been collected and analyzed. All samples have come back negative for a series of pathogens and toxins. The Gallatin … [Read more...]

Dave’s Sushi Morel Mushroom Outbreak Sickens 41 in Montana

The Dave's Sushi morel mushroom outbreak has now sickened at least 41 people in Montana, according to the FDA's CORE Outbreak Investigation Table. The Table states that morel mushrooms are the suspect food in this outbreak. Two deaths have occurred in patrons of that establishment after eating there. The case count has increased to 41 from 30 since the last update was issued on May 3, 2023. In that investigation, traceback has been initiated, and sample collection and analysis has begun. The Gallatin City-County Health Department, which is also investigating the outbreak, says that ill persons ate at the restaurant between March 31 and April 17, 2023. Three patrons had "severe outcomes," including hospitalizations, and the deaths of two patrons are being investigated. No causative … [Read more...]

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