The deadly Boar's Head Listeria outbreak has sickened at least 34 people in 13 states and hospitalized 33, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). There are two deaths associated with this outbreak; one in Illinois and one in New Jersey. And the recall for Boar's Head deli meats has been expanded. The case count by state is: Georgia (2), Illinois (1), Indiana (1), Maryland (6), Massachusetts (2), Minnesota (1), Missouri (2), New Jersey (2), New York (12), North Carolina (1), Pennsylvania (1), Virginia (2), and Wisconsin (1). Sick person's samples were collected from May 29, 2024 to July 12 2024. One person got sick during their pregnancy. The patient age range is from 32 to 94 years. The case count numbers have not changed since the last update, but … [Read more...]
Flathead MT E. coli Outbreak Linked to Wagyu Ground Beef
The Flathead MT E. coli outbreak is linked to wagyu ground beef served at several restaurants, according to the Flathead City-County Heath Department and the Montana Department of Public Health and Human Services. The source was wagyu beef from one lot number. Wagyu beef comes from a Japanese breed and is highly marbled with great flavor. All 14 cases said they ate undercooked or made to order burgers. The last known date of consumption was July 14, 2024. The following restaurants are associated with the 14 cases of reported illness in this outbreak: Gunsight Saloon; Hops Downtown Grill; Tamarack Brewing Company; the Lodge at Whitefish Lake; and Harbor Grille. Furthermore, based on information provided through case investigation, one individual has died after exposure to wagyu beef … [Read more...]
Campylobacter Outbreak: Recompense Cove American/Eastern Oysters
There is a Campylobacter outbreak associated with Recompense Cove American/Eastern Oysters, according to the FDA, so retailers and restaurants should not sell them and consumers should not eat them. On July 11, 2023, (we are checking with the FDA about this date; it's probably 2024), the Maine Department of Marine Resources notified the FDA of an outbreak of Campylobacter illnesses associated with those oysters. The oysters were recalled on June 17, 2024. According to the Maine DMR, they were notified of two cases of Campylobacter illnesses attributed to oyster consumption on July 10, 2024. All implicated leases were closed on July 11, 2024. Three more illnesses were reported after the leases were closed, so more aquaculture leases were closed. We do not know the patient age range … [Read more...]
Deadly Ground Beef E. coli Outbreak Sickens 13 in Montana
A deadly ground beef E. coli outbreak has sickened at least 13 people in Montana, according to the Flathead City-County Health Department. That department is working with the Montana Department of Public Health and Human Services and other local health departments to investigate this E. coli O157:H7 outbreak. The investigation has identified at least 13 people associated with this outbreak. Many of the patients have experienced moderate to severe symptoms. One death has occurred. Preliminary findings indicate that the ground beef containing E. coli may be the "exposure of concern." More clinical and food samples are being tested. The ground beef that has been identified as the potential source of this outbreak was sold directly to restaurants from a distributor. Consumers could … [Read more...]
Raw Farm Raw Milk Salmonella E. coli Outbreak Sickens 165
A Raw Farm raw milk Salmonella, STEC E. coli, and Campylobacter outbreak has sickened at least 165 people in four states, according to the California Division of Communicable Disease Control. This outbreak was not publicized when it happened. The other three states have not been named. According to the preliminary results as of February 2, 204, there are 165 people sick in four states. In California, there are 162 cases in 27 local health jurisdictions. There are four multiple pathogen combinations that have sickened these patients: Salmonella Typhimurium, Campylobacter, and/or Shiga toxin-producing E. coli (STEC). Twenty people have been hospitalized. No deaths have been reported. The patient age range is from less than one year to 87 years. And illness onset dates range from … [Read more...]
Gibson Farms Walnuts E. coli Outbreak Ends With 13 Sick
The Gibson Farms walnuts E. coli outbreak has ended with 13 people sick in two states, according to the FDA. The case count is: California (7) and Washington (6). Seven people were hospitalized because they were so sick. And two people developed hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS), which is a type of kidney failure, according to an earlier update. The last illness onset date was April 4, 2024. The recalled product is Gibson Farms bulk organic walnuts. They were sold at natural food and co-op stores in Alaska, Arkansas, Arizona, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Idaho, Kansas, Louisiana, Montana, Nebraska, New Mexico, Nevada, Oregon, South Dakota, Texas, Utah, Washington, and Wyoming. The walnuts may have had the lot codes 3325-043 and 3341-501. The walnuts should no longer for sale. They … [Read more...]