February 12, 2025

Madre Oaxacan Outbreak Sickens 36 with Salmonella Infections

The Madre Oaxacan outbreak has sickened at least 36 people with Salmonella infections, according an email from the LA County of Public Health. The restaurant will allegedly reopen soon after passing a restaurant re-inspection that was conducted on September 24, 2024, according to news reports. The outbreak was uncovered on September 17, 2024, when reports of people suffering from gastrointestinal illnesses started coming in to the health department. The restaurant, which is located at 27007 Mc Bean Parkway in Valencia, California, was closed "due to [an] imminent health hazard for disease transmission," according to the email. The 36 Salmonella infections are confirmed. The restaurant received a "C" grade during an inspection on September 18, 2024. The inspector noted 12 … [Read more...]

FDA Report on Food Poisoning Risk Factors in Restaurants

The FDA has released its report on food poisoning risk factors in fast food and food service restaurants. The report covers the years from 2017 t0 2018. Risk factors that can contribute to outbreaks of foodborne illness include inadequate cooking, poor personal hygiene, and using food from unsafe sources. This study is part of a ten-year study that spans the years 2013 to 2024. The restaurants used in the study were located across the country and were randomly selected by the FDA Retail Food Specialists. The key objectives of the study were to identify the occurrence of risk factors, the prevalence of food safety management systems, the  prevalence of certified food protection managers, and prevalence of employee health policies. That last risk factor is important because the CDC … [Read more...]

Boston Los Amigos Mexican Grill Restaurant Linked to Outbreak

Two Los Amigos Mexican Grill Restaurants in the Boston, Massachusetts area have been closed, and one is  linked to a Salmonella outbreak, according to news reports. The Boston Public Health Commission confirmed to WCVB that it is investigating an emerging outbreak linked to one of the restaurants. There is no word on the number of people sick or if anyone has been hospitalized. The two restaurants were closed on May 18 and May 19, 2023. According to the City of Boston Inspectional Services, the Los Amigos at 366 Washington Street in Brighton, Massachusetts was closed on May 18. Violations included certified food managers certificate expired, no sanitizer set up, wire rack shelving units with visible rust and soil, and interior walls and ceiling of the walk in unit with visible soil … [Read more...]

Deadly Outbreak at Dave’s Sushi Sickens 30 in Bozeman, Montana

A deadly outbreak at Dave's Sushi in Bozeman, Montana has sickened at least 30 people, according to the Gallatin City-County Health Department. The notice, which was posted on the Montana Department of Public Health and Human Services (DPHHS) website, stated, "Three individuals had severe outcomes, including hospitalizations, and the deaths of two individuals are being investigated after eating at the restaurant." Officials say that they may not be able to identify a specific pathogen as the source. The food poisoning outbreak seems to be isolated to people who ate at Dave's Sushi between March 31 and April 17, 2023. DPHHS epidemiologist Rachel Hinnenkamp of the Communicable Disease and Epidemiology Section said in a statement, "DPHHS supports the Gallatin City-County Health … [Read more...]

Now 32 Sick in Tamarind Tree Shigella Outbreak in Seattle

There are now 32 people sick in the Tamarind Tree Shigella outbreak in Seattle, Washington, according to King County Public Health. The case count has more than doubled, from 17 patients, since the last update on February 1, 2023. The restaurant is located at 1036 South Jackson Street A in Seattle. The patients ate at the restaurant on January 14, 15, 16, and 17 in 2023. Symptoms experienced include diarrhea, cramps, nausea, fever, chills, and vomiting. Symptoms starting manifesting from January 17 through the 20th in 2023. Ten of the 32 patients have tested positive for Shigella. Six cases have confirmatory testing indicating they were sickened with Shigella sonnei, a species of this pathogen. Symptoms among those who have not been tested are suggestive of a Shigella … [Read more...]

Tamarind Tree Shigella Outbreak in Seattle, WA Sickens 17

A Tamarind Tree Shigella outbreak in Seattle, Washington has sickened at least 17 people, according to King County Public Health. This outbreak was first reported in late January, 2023, when the pathogen that caused the illnesses was unknown. The restaurant is located at 1036 South Jackson Street A in Seattle. The 17 patients were part of seven separate meal parties that ate at that restaurant on these dates: January 15, 16, and 17, 2023. No ill employees have been identified. Five of the 17 people who  are sick have tested positive for Shigella. Three of those five patients have had confirmatory testing indicating they are infected with Shigella sonnei, one strain of this pathogen. Symptoms among those who were not tested are suggestive of a Shigella infection. The patients are … [Read more...]

Food Poisoning Outbreak Associated with Tamarind Tree in WA

A food poisoning outbreak is associated with the Tamarind Tree Restaurant that is located at 1036 South Jackson Street A in Seattle, Washington, according to King County Public Health. At least 10 people are sick, and no one has been hospitalized. People who were sickened ate at that restaurant on January 15 and 16, 2023. The ten patients are from three different meal parties. No ill employees have been identified. The patients have been experiencing vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain and cramps, fever, and chills. Those are typical symptoms of food poisoning that can be attributed to may pathogens, including norovirus, Salmonella, and E. coli. No pathogen has been identified yet. A routine inspection was conducted on January 18, 2023. Investigators observed several risk … [Read more...]

Monical’s Pizza in IL Temporarily Closed After Illnesses Reported

Monical's Pizza, in Washington, Illinois, has temporarily closed after reports of illness, according to news reports. About 150 patrons reported symptoms of vomiting, diarrhea, stomach cramps, chills, and nausea, according to the Tazewell County Health Department. The Illinois Department of Public Health issued the closure. Patients are reportedly recovering within 12 to 24 hours. The restaurant is located at 6 Cherry Tree Shopping Center in Washington, Illinois. It closed on Saturday, November 26, 2022 and may open today. The closure will give the restaurant time to conduct a deep cleaning and discard food. The employees of Monical's Pizza will be retrained on personal hygiene, handwashing, and when to report illness. The cause of the illnesses has not yet been determined. Given … [Read more...]

Norovirus Sickened 173 at D. C. Cobb’s Restaurant in Illinois

A norovirus outbreak sickened 173 people at D. C. Cobb's restaurant in McHenry, Illinois in August 2022, according to an investigation by the McHenry County Department of Health (MCDH). Two of those patients were hospitalized. The last time this investigation was updated was on September 16, 2022, when it was reported that 16 people were sick after eating at that restaurant. The restaurant is located at 1204 North Green Street in McHenry. Norovirus is a common cause of food poisoning. it is a very contagious virus that is spread through contaminated food, through contact with contaminated surfaces, and through person-to-person contact. Symptoms of a norovirus infection include diarrhea, nausea, stomach pain, and vomiting. A cluster of illnesses was linked to that restaurant at … [Read more...]

Mariscos Bahia Recalls Fish Associated With Salmonella Outbreak

Mariscos Bahia recalls fish that is associated with a Salmonella Litchfield outbreak that has sickened at least 33 people in three states according to the FDA. Thirteen people have been hospitalized in this outbreak because they are so sick. The patient case count has not changed since the initial outbreak investigation was announced last week. The illnesses are linked to fresh, raw salmon supplied to restaurants in California and Arizona by Mariscos Bahia, Inc. The case count is: Arizona (11), California (21), and Illinois (1). The product was sold in Arizona and California, but it may have been sold to restaurants in other states. The recalled fish, that was shipped beginning on June 14, 2022, includes: Fresh Salmon Fillet Fresh Deep Skin Salmon Fillet Fresh Salmon … [Read more...]

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