Busseto Foods Charcuterie Sampler is being recalled for possible Salmonella contamination. There is one illness in Minnesota that is linked to this product. And the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is investigating a multistate outbreak of Salmonella that may be related to this product. The recalling firm is Fratelli Beretta USA Inc. The recalled product is 18 ounce plastic tray packages containing Busseto Foods Charcuterie Sampler with Prosciutto, Sweet Sopressata, and Dry Coppa. The lot code for this item is L075330300, and the best if used by date is April 27, 2024. The item is also sold as a twin pack with two 9ounce packages. The board has the establishment number EST. 7543B that is stamped inside the USDA mark of inspection, and EST. #47967 that printed on … [Read more...]
Busseto Charcuterie Sampler Sickens One With Salmonella in MN
The Busseto Charcuterie Sampler has sickened at least one person in Minnesota with a Salmonella infection, according to the Minnesota Department of Health. Officials are warning people in Minnesota not to eat this sampler, which contains prosciutto, sweet sopressata, and dry coppa. The sampler was sold at Sam's Club and other retailers in the state. There is no mention about whether or not a recall has been, or will be, issued in relation to this illness. One person reported getting sick in December after consuming a Busseto Charcuterie Sampler that was purchased at Sam's Club. That person was not hospitalized. Staff from the Minnesota Department of Agriculture collected and tested an unopened package of that sampler from the patient's home. The product tested positive for … [Read more...]
Number One 2023 Outbreak: Deadly Cantaloupe Salmonella
The number one outbreak of 2023 is the deadly cantaloupe Salmonella outbreak that has sickened at least 302 people in 42 states in the United States, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Four people are dead; one lived in Oregon and three lived in Minnesota. The cantaloupes were imported from Mexico by Sofia Produce doing business as Trufresh. The case count by state as of December 15, 2023 is: Alaska (1), Arkansas (1), Arizona (14), California (14), Colorado (9), Connecticut (2), Florida (1), Georgia (6), Iowa (8), Illinois (18), Indiana (7), Kansas (2), Kentucky (8), Massachusetts (2), Maryland (6), Michigan (6), Minnesota (26), Missouri (15), Mississippi (1), Montana (2), North Carolina (6), Nebraska (7), New Hampshire (1), New Jersey (6), New Mexico … [Read more...]
Deadly Cantaloupe Salmonella Outbreak in Canada Sickens 164
The deadly cantaloupe Salmonella outbreak in Canada has now sickened at least 164 people in that country, according to Public Health Canada. Sixty-one of those people have been hospitalized, and seven deaths have been reported. Those same cantaloupes have sickened at least 302 people in the United States, with four deaths; three in Minnesota and one in Oregon. The patients are sick with three strains of Salmonella: Soahanina, Sundsvall, and Oranienburg. The case count by provinces as of December 22, 2023 is British Columbia (18), Alberta (4), Ontario (21), Quebec (111), Prince Edward Island (2), New Brunswick (2), Nova Scotia (4) and Newfoundland and Labrador (2). The patient age range is from 0 to 100 years of age. And illness onset ranges from mid-October to early December 2023. … [Read more...]
Number 6 Outbreak of 2023: Gold Medal Flour Salmonella Outbreak
The number six outbreak of 2023 is the Gold Medal flour Salmonella outbreak that sickened at least 14 people in 13 states. Three people were hospitalized because they were so sick. The case count by state is: California (1), Illinois (2), Iowa (1), Minnesota (1), Missouri (1), Nebraska (1), New Jersey (1), New York (1), Ohio (1), Oregon (1), Tennessee (1), Virginia (1), and Washington (1). Illness onset dates ranged from December 6, 2022 to May 2, 2023. The patient age range was from 12 to 81 years. And of the eight people interviewed by public health officials, seven said they ate raw dough or batter. This is a good reminder that flour is a raw agricultural product that can be contaminated with pathogens, and that no one should eat anything made with flour unless it is … [Read more...]
Victor Dog Food Salmonella Outbreak is Number Nine of 2023
The Victor Dog Food Salmonella outbreak is the number nine outbreak of 2023. At least seven people in seven states, mostly infants, have been sickened in this outbreak. The outbreak investigation has not been updated since November 9, 2023. The case count by state is: Alabama (1), California (1), Florida (1), Hawaii (1), Kentucky (1), Minnesota (1), and Oklahoma (1). Most of the patients (86%) are one year old or younger, and the remaining patient is under the age of 65. Illness onset dates range from January 14, 2023 to August 19, 2023. One patient has been hospitalized. In interviews, five of the patients' families said that they had contact with a dog or had a dog in their household. Three of those households fed their pets Victor brand dog food. Whole genome sequencing … [Read more...]
Deadly Salmonella Cantaloupe Outbreak Sickens 302 in 42 States
The deadly Salmonella cantaloupe outbreak has now sickened at least 302 people in 42 states, with 129 hospitalized, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). That's an increase of 72 more patients, 33 new hospitalizations, and four new states since the last update a week ago. And one more person, who lived in Minnesota, has died. The case count by state is: Alaska (1), Arkansas (1), Arizona (14), California (14), Colorado (9), Connecticut (2), Florida (1), Georgia (6), Iowa (8), Illinois (18), Indiana (7), Kansas (2), Kentucky (8), Massachusetts (2), Maryland (6), Michigan (6), Minnesota (26), Missouri (15), Mississippi (1), Montana (2), North Carolina (6), Nebraska (7), New Hampshire (1), New Jersey (6), New Mexico (2), Nevada (5), New York (10), Ohio (13), … [Read more...]
More Cantaloupe Recalled in Canada in Deadly Salmonella Outbreak
More cantaloupe recalled in Canada in the deadly Salmonella outbreak that has sickened people in that country and in the United States. At least 230 people are sick in the United States, and 129 are sick in Canada. Five people in Canada have died, and three people who lived in Minnesota and Oregon in the United States have died. Many recalls have been issued for Malichita and Rudy cantaloupes in both countries. Some people may have frozen the fruit for later use, which may explain why the outbreak continues to grow even though the fruit is no longer available for purchase in stores. This new recall is for cantaloupe and products made with cantaloupe that were sold at Loblaw banner stores in Canada. You can see the long list of recalled products at the Canadian Food Inspection … [Read more...]